Sunday, August 7, 2011

Alison Krauss & Union Station, Wolf Trap National Park, Vienna, Virginia

Bluegrass evening at Wolf Trap

Though I had just seen her at Bonnaroo in June, I knew I could not go wrong in deciding to see Alison Krauss & Union Station a second time. Besides, any excuse to go to Wolf Trap is usually pretty valid. Surprisingly, the place was packed. Though I had been a fan for a little while, ever since the O Brother Where Art Thou soundtrack, I didn’t realize she was getting to be so popular. However, I guess that her newest album, Paper Airplane has been doing pretty well. It’s also sometimes difficult to tell the popularity of an artist at Bonnaroo because you’re never sure who’s there to see the band, who’s just waiting around for the next band, and who just didn’t have anywhere else to be.

Our group, including Andy, his wife Lauren, and some of their other friends, was far back on the lawn. I could not really see much of the stage, but it was a least a good spot for a picnic, which is kind of the point for any show at Wolf Trap. Not knowing anything about Alison Krauss before the show, it was clear that Andy a little disappointed that all her songs were slow and mellow, often pertaining to love, heartbreak, and the like. I think he was expected a little livelier of a pop country type show. The show itself was very similar to their set at Bonnaroo, including the set list and several of their jams. The setting and our distance from the stage made the whole thing much more mellow as well. Nonetheless, it was nice to sit in the grass and relax as the melodies danced around the lawn.