Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Hawkeyes, The National Underground, New York, New York

Good little show, but too damn loud

We ventured into Manhattan to The National Underground, a small bar/club a block away from the famous Katz's Delicatessen. Lindsey’s cousin Brian and his band, The Hawkeyes, had come from Pittsburgh to play a show late that evening. The club was busy on that Saturday night and The Hawkeyes had a small stage at the one end of the club. They played a nice blend of hard and blues rock throughout the evening, sticking with all originals as long as we were there. I would have liked to have stayed longer, as they were quite good, but it was just too damn loud in the club that evening. Without my earplugs, the sound was borderline painful. I hope to see them again a little more prepared.