Sunday, February 28, 2010

Rodrigo y Gabriela, 9:30 Club, Washington, DC

Metal-influenced Mexican guitar duo that specialize in playing fast, rhythmic acoustic guitars

My second blog entry of the year comes on the heels of my first, after a Sunday evening performance by Mexican guitar duo Rodrigo y Gabriella. With their recent release of a new album last year, the husband and wife virtuosos kicked off their North American tour with a two night run at 9:30 Club, and I was lucky enough to score Lauren and me a pair of tickets for their first night. It was not the first time that I had seen the fast playing finger pickers, but it was the first time it was at a show of theirs instead of as part of a festival. I was happy to be able to see them play a full set.

The set list was strong, except for not including a few of their brilliant interpretations of Metallica covers, specifically “Orion” and “One.” They moved through nearly every song from their new album, 11:11, as well as old favorites like “Foc,” “Take 5,” and an almost unrecognizable version of "Stairway to Heaven." However, as much as I enjoyed them and their music, I had several gripes about the show. With only the two of them and their guitars on the stage, there isn’t much to see other than their hands moving. We were close enough that it wasn’t too much of a problem for me, but Lauren, who’s about 9 inches shorter than me, was unable to see anything except for the backs of heads and a few lights on stage. It was only halfway through the show that they finally started utilized the many video cameras they had set up to show close ups of the two performers on the large screen set up behind the stage. Even when it was up and running, they utilized this video was more seldom than I would have liked, and they completed avoided using the most impressive and interesting camera angle, a downward shot of each of their hands, which their guitars seemed to be set up for and I had enjoyed in previous shows.

However, the pair’s musical ability was right on point. Musically and technically speaking, they are two of the most impressive and interesting guitar players that I have ever seen. For a first night back, a few kinks for in the performance aspects of their show should be expected. Each of them made their set look completely effortless as they jammed and dueled, with Rodrigo on lead guitar and Gabriela on rhythm guitar. The additional guitar percussion that Gabriela invented to compliment their sound was particularly exciting. And as is always supremely important, the duo seemed to genuinely enjoy playing together and appreciated the audience’s support. Though Rodrigo annoyed the crowd early on in the evening by (genuinely?) asking the crowd, “By the way, who won the hockey?,” the pair was able to win us back quickly with stories of their recent travels and their appreciation for the actual flamenco artists people confuse them to be, voiced through Gabriela’s endearing Irish brogue influenced Spanglish, giggling her way through each curse laden anecdote as if she had just recently learned the f-word. While they might seem like an unlikely pair for the stage at the 9:30 Club, the throngs of cheering fans proved otherwise. I’m looking forward to a return visit from them in August.


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