Saturday, March 13, 2010

Shamrock Fest, RFK Stadium, Washington, DC

$75 tic includes all you can drink beer. Guess where the focus of the event lies.

Ah, Shamrock Fest, the only concert of the year where I couldn’t actually care less about any of the bands and am more interested in the fact that the VIP section provides free beer all day. Unfortunately, mid-March isn’t really the best time of year to have an outdoor festival in DC, as it’s still often cold and rainy. And for the 2nd year in a row, it rained for Shamrock Fest. However, Joey, Seth, Lauren, and I had already bought our tickets and by God, we were going to use them and get our beer. The weather report was unfavorable, though not disastrous, with only light rain anticipated much of the day. I tried to talk her into the contrary, Lauren she was more concerned with putting together a cute outfit, rather than one that would keep her dry. She even convinced me to forgo my rain pants because they were “dorky.”

We arrived at the venue and began the day, running into a few friends here and there. Joey and Seth eventually made it. Seth’s father also came, which was a pleasure, because it was my first time meeting him. Not long our arrival, it began to rain pretty hard, chasing everyone into the tents. However, trips to the bathroom still required us to venture back into the rain. The day quickly deteriorated with Lauren the first to grow to wet and cold to want to continue. It wasn’t long before she wanted us to cut our losses on the day and head to the warmth of a bar somewhere in the city. The rest of us agreed and we made our way to Gordon Biersch Brewery downtown, a repeat of the previous year with Joey and Seth. Notice in this whole memoir, I didn’t yet actually mention music. Well, there really wasn’t anything that I saw that was worth mentioning, since we only stayed long enough to see a few unimpressive cover bands. Maybe the weather will be nice for Shamrock Fest next year.

Who Cares

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