Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Free Lobster Buffet, Wonderland Ballroom, Washington, DC

"Not dance?! What were we thinking?"

My friend Ben was making another whirlwind tour of the US when home from the Middle East for a week. When passing through DC, his old band, Free Lobster Buffet, happened to be playing a show, so he gathered a posse and led us to the upstairs of Wonderland Ballroom. I've possibly seen FLB more than I've seen any other band, but it wasn't until I was at the show, as few songs into the familar tunes that I realized how much I've missed them. Though the line up is one short, their brand of ska didn't lose any of the umph as they blasted the earbrums of everyone in the small venue. Just like always, it was a fun show with lots of dancing.

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