Friday, August 9, 2013

Greensky Bluegrass, Lincoln Hall, Chicago, Illinois

Though I had only first heard of them a week ago and still hadn’t heard a single recording, I agreed to go to see Greensky Bluegrass. I correctly assumed that the name said it all. They are a five-piece American bluegrass band from nearby Michigan, consisting of a banjo, guitar, mandolin, small upright bass, and steel guitar. We arrived very early, to such an extent that we were the first people in the venue. When the opener took the stage, it was in the form of a similarly arranged bluegrass band, though with a violin instead of a steel guitar. I wasn’t sure if it was the main act or an opener.

The show was what I expected, fun bluegrass on par with Yonder Mountain String Band, though they had a little more of a jam band than country influence. They did a few extended jams and I noticed that folks around us were wearing Phish and Dead t-shirts. They announced that they would play 2 full sets, also very jam band-like, though we had had our fill by a bit into the second. Certainly a band I would see again if I came upon them.

Post #100!

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