Thursday, June 9, 2011

Jeff's List of Advice for Bonnaroo

  • Invest in high quality rain gear – if there is substantial rain, which is very possible, you’ll be very glad you had it
  • A canopy or tarp for your camp. Make sure at least one or 2 people in your group have one and can set it up.
  • Sunscreen – bring it; use it liberally. Nothing will ruin your trip like a bad sunburn. A hat AND sunglasses are great to have as well
  • Comfortable shoes that you can walk in all day – I always sport Chacos
  • Keep in mind the limitations of cotton – if it gets wet, it stays wet and doesn’t keep you warm. Clothes, esp socks, designed for camping are made of synthetic materials (polypropelene, polyester, etc) that are ideal for regulating temperature and keeping you dry
  • Showering is a pain; I never do it. Bring dry shampoo, baby wipes, etc. Gold Bond body powder is also pretty amazing for helping create the illusion of cleanliness
  • Get some dry ice for your cooler. It’s not cheap as compared to regular ice and only some select grocers carry it, but it’s the best way to keep perishables cold for a few days. And it’s still way less expensive than the ice they sell there.
  • Bring more water than you think you’ll drink. I recommended that you get enough large bottles (1.5 quarts) that EACH person in your group can bring at least one, maybe 2, in with you each day. They only let you take sealed bottles into the venue, so get enough for each day. You’ll still have to refill (long lines) or buy more (expensive), but it helps to start with a good amount
  • I have a friend that works for a bottled water company for some empty sealable water bottles from work. That way we can fill them up with booze and sneak them into the venue
  • Consider bringing something fun to trade: glow sticks, refractive glasses, etc.
Getting There:

  • You’ll need to drive into the campground with anyone that you’d like to camp with. Once you park, that’s where your car will stay until the end of the festival. There’s a Wal-mart nearby that’s a great place to rendezvous.
  • Manchester Police close down roads and exits in the area on Thursday morning, so getting to the Wal-Mart in the past has been some tricky in the past
When You Are There:
  • Make friends with your camp neighbors. Make friends with everyone! Bonnaroo is nothing but nice, happy people. Everyone is glad to stop and chat and make friends.
  • Prioritize what you want to see and remember that alcohol takes a lot out of you in the heat of the day. Do you want Friday to be a full day of music, running around seeing all the acts then followed by staying up to see late night sets on Friday night? If so, don’t drink too much on Thursday night. Nap if you can; I know Lindsey will plenty.
  • The campground is huge. It is luck of the draw as to where your spot will be, but it could be upwards of a 20 minute walk into Centeroo (where the music and events are). Thus, it’s not easy to get back to your site just to grab a raincoat or an extra bottle of water. My daily schedule was to walk into the venue each day in the early afternoon and be prepared to only come back at the end of the day, around 3 am.
  • As per the above, don’t go crazy with buying too much food for the campsite. Perhaps a few meals (esp breakfast) is all you’ll actually eat there. You’ll probably end up buying most of your meals at the concession stands. There’s lot of options for food and it’s reasonably priced ($10 for a good meal). A few packable snacks (granola bars, etc) that you could bring in with you are a good idea.
  • Know the limits of your cell phone battery. Lines to charge your cell phone are even longer than to get water. Invest in a way to charge your phone in the car in the morning (run the engine, not the battery so make sure you have a full tank of gas when you enter). If you have a smart phone, turn off the data plan and wifi switches. I actually kept my phone off the entire weekend except for when I specifically needed it to make a call or send a text. Definitely make sure to turn it off before you go to bed, no matter how drunk you may be. Maybe even buy an extra battery for your phone. I just got a generic one on amazon for ~$8 including shipping.

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