Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Ben Harper, 9:30 Club, Washington, DC

No kisses stolen; nothing burnt down

We arrived in just enough time to get a decent spot for the sold out show. Though we missed the opener, we still had some time to wait as Ben didn’t take the stage until around 9:30pm. A full band joined him on-stage as well. Perhaps the Relentless7; perhaps not. If so, they weren’t billed as such. I really have no idea who the Innocent Criminals are vs. the Relentless7 vs. whoever else was on stage that evening. Nonetheless, they were all very talented and made a solid backing band. I’m not a huge Ben Harper fan, so I wasn’t able to distinguish much between old and new songs and hits and lesser known selections. “Diamonds on the Inside” was the only song that I recognized during the first set.

The first set ended about 10:45pm. After the set break, he came out alone for what I thought would be an encore. Not surprising. However, he ended up playing several songs by himself. At the time, I was expecting an encore, so was surprised that the band hadn’t joined him yet. When the band did join him again, I began to realize that we were well into an entirely second set. The highlight of which for me was when Ben sang acapella and without a microphone. Once the crowd finally hushed itself, the crowd at the 930 Club was as quite as I had ever heard it as Ben Harper belted out a gospel tune. Despite his thin frame, the man certainly has a set of pipes. So it ended up being a 12 song set with a 14 song encore…then a second two song encore. The show ended at about 12:20am, a little late for a school night in my opinion, especially when the show didn’t start until 9:30. Though we certainly got our money’s worth.

Set 1:
Better Way
Up To You Now
Fly One Time
Burn To Shine
Diamonds On The Inside
Suzie Blue
Amen Omen
Lay There & Hate Me
Where Could I Go
Set 2:
I'm On Fire
Pleasure And Pain
Not Fire Not Ice
Never Leave Lonely Alone
I Shall Not Walk Alone
Waiting On An Angel
Vein In Vain
Spilling Faith
No Quarter
Better Than I Deserve
I've Handled Myself Wrong

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