Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Lumineers, Ram’s Head, Baltimore, Maryland

So tired but must...attend...concert

I hopped off of a plane from Chicago and had just enough time to get home, grab a bite, and get out the door to see The Lumineers. I was just at a pair of weddings over the weekend in Jersey and Chicago, so why not tack a Sunday night concert on to the weekend’s activities. It’s almost embarrassing that the Lumineers would be my first show at Ram’s Head since I’ve living in Baltimore, so it was good I was able to make sure to get one in before my move out of town, which was now official.

I arrived only a few minutes after the Lumineers had taken the stage. I wasn’t actually all that familiar with their music, but I really liked what they were doing with the indie folk sound that had become en vogue the past few years by the likes of Mumford & Sons, the Avett Brothers, and Of Monsters and Men. I was exhausted but that sound got my feet moving a little bit. Over the course of the night, they played most if not all of their debut eponymous album. They also played a few covers from the Rolling Stones and Bob Dylan. On the latter, frontman Wes Schultz couldn’t help but incorporate a bit of a Dylanesque warble into his usual folksy voice. Since they didn’t have too much to play, their set was pretty short, only about an hour and ten including the encore. They invited their opening act on stage with them for their final tune of the evening as well, “Sweet Virginia,” with eight people on stage.

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