Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Civil Twilight, Lincoln Hall, Chicago, Illinois

Like The Word last week, there weren’t many people there at Lincoln Hall to see Civil Twilight. Again, I suspect that it might have had something to do with the Cubs playing in Game 3 of the NLCS just down the road, even though they were already down 2-0 in the series, and the live updates that I received on my phone weren’t looking promising. Nonetheless, I felt bad for the band that so few people showed up. I hoped that they were having more success at other shows.

I wasn’t a particularly big fan, but a friend had won tickets to the show. Since I liked a couple songs and their overall sound, it was easy for me to forgo watching the Cubs lose and check out the show. The sounded an awful lot like Coldplay, even though they’re from down under, not the other side of the pond. The lead singer even switched to piano for a couple songs, a la Chris Martin. He also admitted that he wasn’t really too familiar with baseball, but he tried to empathize with us, updating some of the lyrics of “Oh Daniel,” to “I wish I knew why the Cubs were losing.” He also mentioned that he was getting married on Friday. There were few enough people in the room that I was able to casually inquire how he was planning to pull all that off, and he was able to clarify that the wedding would occur in Nashville, not back home in Australia.

River Child
Let It Go
Please Don't Find Me
Story of an Immigrant
Oh Daniel
It's Over
Holy Dove
Letters from the Sky
When, When

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