Friday, October 30, 2009

Guster, 9:30 Club, Washington, DC

There are few bands that I’d actually want to see two nights in a row. Truthfully, Guster isn’t really one of them either, but I wound up going a second night because single night tickets for both nights were sold out but two night tickets were available. Nonetheless, I was happy to have an opportunity to see them again, despite knowing I’d see a very similar show. Much of it was a repeat of the previous evening. However, it ended up being a different experience because Schiz joined me instead and I was seeing the show through much more inebriated eyes.

Though many of the staples of the previous evening’s first set were present again, several variations were played including new songs “Diane” and “Satellite” and old favorite “Rocket Ship.” A second set for Lost and Gone Forever played out in a very similar fashion, though was still enjoyable.

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